Designed to impress, our Twenty Four Premium Yellow Rose Bouquet from Flowers Across Melbourne is the ultimate gift for any special occasion. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, or anniversary, or sending well wishes, this rose bouquet is sure to delight.
With twenty four premium yellow roses beautifully arranged with emu grass, it's a stunning and sophisticated choice that will make your recipient feel truly special. Trust our experienced florists to create a memorable gift that will be cherished for years to come!
Consists of:
4 x Emu Grass
24 x Yellow Roses 50cm
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 24cm
Height: 50cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
Delivery notification when your order arrives
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Customers who recently bought Yellow Roses said:
Excellent service and quality. Will order again. Thank you
Nicole, 13 August 2023
I was told presentation was really fantastic
Paul, 26 May 2020
Anyone wanting to send flowers in Melbourne, you can't go wrong .Second time I have used F.A.M. Totally recommend this service
GARY, 09 November 2018
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