Elevate the impact of classic roses with our premium Yellow Rose Vase from Flowers Across Melbourne. Expertly arranged by our florists, eighteen premium yellow roses come with box foliage in a sleek glass square vase giving the arrangement a contemporary touch. Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, thank yous, and get-well-soon, our Yellow Rose Vase instantly elevates any decor or conveys your heartfelt message. Our skilled team ensures every petal of the roses is handled with love and care, making it an oasis of fragrance and beauty.
Consists of:
1 x Box Foliage
18 x Yellow Roses 50cm
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 16cm
Height: 20cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
Delivery notification when your order arrives
Same day delivery available if ordered by 2pm
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Customers who recently bought Yellow Rose Vase said:
Thank you for a very smooth transaction and great communication.
Leongatha, 01 February 2023
Very happy with whole process - website easy to access and use, and delivery information and progress was excellent. The only suggestion (not criticism) I have is that gift illustrations could show size reference (like a ruler or matchbox) to appreciate how big the gift is. I chose one that was smaller than I had anticipated.
Gerard, 18 October 2020
The recipient thanked me for the beautiful flowers and he took a picture of them which actually looked better than the flowers on your website. Please thank the florist for the excellent arrangement of the flowers and they looked so fresh. It is also good that you included a free card.
Clint, 03 August 2020
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