Experience the vibrant warmth of Tangerine Bliss, a captivating bouquet that features the lush greenery of Pitto and Viburnum, complemented by the radiant hues of orange spray roses, a stunning orange rose, and cheerful orange chrysanthemums.
This delightful arrangement brings a burst of colour and joy to any setting, evoking the essence of a sunlit orchard in full bloom.
Perfect for any occasion as this arrangement radiates warmth, capturing the essence of a sunlit tangerine grove on a summers day!
Order before 2pm for same day delivery with Flowers Across Melbourne!
Consists of:
1 x Viburnum
1 x Pittosporum
2 x Orange Chrysanthemums
2 x Orange Spray Roses
1 x Orange Roses 50cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
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Same day delivery available if ordered by 2pm
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