Treat your loved one to the ultimate expression of luxury and romance with the Sunset Passion Vase from our Florist business. Crafted with care and attention to detail, this stunning arrangement features a glass vase overflowing with gorgeous chrysanthemum disbuds, quicksand roses, spray roses, stock, and thryptomene. Whether you're celebrating an anniversary or just want to make someone feel special on their birthday, this bouquet is sure to delight and amaze.
Consists of:
3 x Florists Choice Stock
1 x Florists Choice Monstera Leaf
3 x Florists Choice Little Gem Magnolia
3 x Florists Choice Thryptomene
3 x Florists Choice Chrysanthemums
3 x Florists Choice Spray Roses
3 x Florists Choice Coloured Disbuds
3 x Florists Choice Quicksand Roses
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