Brighten someone’s day with our Summer Morning Bouquet! This beautiful arrangement features a medley of yellow roses, orange chrysanthemums, LA Lilies, and magnolia.
Perfect as a small token gift of gratitude or simply a way of letting someone special know that you’re thinking of them at this moment, our bouquet is perfect for any occasion, be it a birthday, anniversary, thank-you, get-well, or just because!
Our expert florists have carefully handcrafted this beautiful piece, ensuring that it will truly wow your recipient. Show your love and appreciation by ordering today.
Consists of:
3 x Little Gem Magnolia
3 x Orange Chrysanthemums
3 x Orange LA Lilies
4 x Yellow Roses 50cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
Delivery notification when your order arrives
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Customers who recently bought Summer Morning Bouquet said:
As I am from the UK, I needed to have flowers delivered to my relative in Melbourne and as I couldn’t view their flowers I had to take a chance on this company and so glad I chose Flowers Across Melbourne as the flowers were delivered super fast and such a beautiful display. My relative was absolutely delighted. Would recommend this company 100%
Lesley, 14 November 2024
It was made very easy after a couple of emails as we live in England and wanted flowers delivered to my niece in Melbourne.
Arrived as arranged and was kept updated by the tracking information. Thank you so much, my niece was delighted with the flowers thanks again.
Derek, 01 November 2024
Delivery was very prompt.
The flowers looked beautiful and were excellent value for money.
Before placing my order, I price compared a few suppliers. You appeared to offer the best value.
I was not disappointed.
Thank You!
Susan, 23 September 2024
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