Celebrate the beauty of summer with our stunning Summer Holiday Bouquet. This vibrant arrangement is perfect for all occasions, be it a birthday, anniversary, or any celebration. Filled with a gorgeous mix of Sweet William, Snapdragons, Vibrant Viburnum, Chrysanthemums, Sunny Sunflower, and gentle Thryptomene, each stem is carefully selected for its beauty and freshness. In times when your loved ones are unwell, express your wishes with our bouquet and we promise to cheer their space with our hospital delivery. The convenience of our same-day delivery across Melbourne, makes it possible for you to spread joy anytime, anywhere.
Consists of:
1 x Yellow Chrysanthemums
1 x Pale Pink Snapdragons
1 x Yellow Sunflowers
1 x Hot Pink Carnations (Sim)
1 x Hot Pink Gypsy
1 x Viburnum
1 x Thryptomene
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
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Same day delivery available if ordered by 10am
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