Defining the pinnacle of beauty our Shining Spring Jewel bouquet features premium blooms; reflexed quicksand roses, local hydrangea and bushy spray roses amoungst tall snapdragons, peachy coloured chrysanthemums, alstromeria and exciting shimmering umbrella fern.
Arranged in a bed of native eucalyptus, and english box foliage, this bouquet is gift ready, wrapped thoughtfully in textured paper and hessian, finished with a pink satin ribbon.
Consists of:
5 x Mid Pink Alstroemeria
2 x Peach Chrysanthemums
5 x Pale Pink Snapdragons
4 x Pink Hydrangea
5 x Pale Pink Spray Roses
3 x Gum
3 x Cream Quicksand Roses
3 x Silver Painted Umbrella fern
5 x English Box Foliage
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 45cm
Height: 60cm
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