Our Red Rose Vase is the ultimate expression of love and affection. Featuring the highest quality red roses arranged in a modern glass square vase, this stunning gift is perfect for any romantic occasion or special celebration. With quick delivery available, our professional florists create the perfect arrangement for your special someone. Say "I love you" or "Happy Birthday" with this premium arrangement, and make their day unforgettable.
Consists of:
1 x Box Foliage
18 x Roses Red 50cm
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 18cm
Height: 20cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
Delivery notification when your order arrives
Same day delivery available if ordered by 2pm
We're here to help (Contact Us)
Customers who recently bought Red Rose Vase said:
The receiver was surprised and joyful. The whole experience was easy.Thank you so much!
Mary, 13 June 2024
I received my beautiful roses on July 31st are still wonderful due to your instructions. I would always now use your florist, Heather
Heather, 31 July 2023
My sister Sandra, was absolutely delighted with the beautiful flowers 🌺 They certainly brightened up her day. Thankyou.
De'Arne, 27 June 2022
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