The Peaches and Dreams Bouquet is the perfect gift for any special occasion. This gorgeous floral arrangement features peach Gerberas, premium Pink Expression roses, Queen Anne's lace, and Peach chrysanthemums. The combination of these beautiful blooms creates a classic look that will bring joy to anyone who receives it. With its warm hues and delicate petals, this bouquet is sure to show your loved one just how much you care. Show them how much they mean to you with the thoughtful Peaches and Dreams Bouquet!

Consists of:
5 x Mixed Brights Gerberas
3 x Peach Chrysanthemums
1 x Trop Tops
4 x Queen Anne's Lace
4 x Little Gem Magnolia
5 x Pink Roses - Pink Expression

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 45cm
Height: 60cm


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