So charming and sweet, our Lovely Lady bouquet will definitely delight your recipient on her special day! The most elegant roses, sweetest lisianthus, fragrant carnations and splendid disbuds create this exceptionally beautiful bunch; native gum foliage and a single kale blossom balance out the dreamy design.
Consists of:
2 x Gum
3 x Hot Pink Carnations (Sim)
2 x Peach Chrysanthemums
2 x Pale Pink Lisianthus
3 x Pale Pink Roses 50cm
1 x White Disbuds
1 x White Kale
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 25cm
Height: 40cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
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Customers who recently bought Lovely Lady said:
The flowers were delivered quickly and my friend was extremely pleased with them.
Jennifer, 10 August 2018
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