Introducing the Christmas Tree Topper from Flowers Across Melbourne! Add a touch of festive charm to your Christmas bouquet or boxed arrangement with this delightful adornment. Our team of skilled florists will expertly incorporate the Christmas Tree pick into your chosen floral arrangement, creating a captivating display that radiates the holiday spirit. Order by 2 pm for same-day delivery and let us bring the joy of Christmas to your doorstep!


Or 4 installments of $0.63 by Afterpay

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Hand made to order by our own expert florists
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
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Same day delivery available if ordered by 10am
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Customers who recently bought Christmas Tree Pick said:

Great customer service.
Last minute change of addreess, was handled without any problem
Such friendly, caring and helpful staff

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Mitzi, 21 December 2023

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