Our Bleached and Burnished bouquet features flowers as white as bleach and a beautiful silver painted monstera leaf. This bouquet is as elegant as can be, formed by delicate white flowers including chrysanthemum, gypsophila, a disbud and an asiatic lily set with a shimmering silver and gold monstera leaf. Wrapped in light grey and finished with a satin ribbon this bouquet speaks for you.
Consists of:
1 x White Gypsophila
1 x Gum
1 x White Disbuds
1 x White Chrysanthemums
1 x White LA Lilies
1 x Metallic Painted Monstera
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 30cm
Height: 40cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
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Same day delivery available if ordered by 2pm
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Customers who recently bought Bleached and Burnished said:
The customer service was brilliant. so refreshing in this day and age.
Paul, 01 November 2023
Fantastic reliable service. Any time again
Herbert, 04 April 2022
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