Embellish your beloved's day with our timeless Pink Princess Bouquet, this bouquet is an exquisite assortment of lush viburnum, lustrous hypericum, David Austin Roses, chrysanthemum mum disbuds, wild emile, and vibrant carnations. It's an irresistible choice for birthdays, anniversaries, or 'get well soon wishes', this bouquet is appropriate for all occasions. Experience prompt and efficient same-day delivery across Melbourne, making it more convenient and hassle-free for you!

Consists of:
1 x Pink Hypericum
1 x Purple Carnations (Sim)
1 x Viburnum
1 x Misty/Emile
1 x Pale Pink Coloured Disbuds
1 x Pink Roses - Pink Expression


Or 4 installments of $13.73 by Afterpay

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